Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana 5774 – Gilayon #815

SHABBAT SHALOM (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana – Parshat Ha'azinu "May my mission upon which i am embarking be successful" (From the Meditation of the Shaliach Tzibur before Musaf)     "Do not be quick with your mouth; do not be hasty with your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. " (Eccl 5:1) Ibn Ezra delineates the proper way to worship God, in his eyes. Firstly, Man should have a permanent place...

Rosh Hashana 5772 – Gilayon #719

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana Our father, our king. Inscribe us In the book of forgiveness and absolution   Good and upright is the Lord: the Option of Correction is One of God's Graces  Good and upright is the Lord . How is He good? In that He is upright. How is He upright? In that He is good. They asked wisdom: What is the sinner's punishment? It said: Evil will pursue the sinners (Proverbs 13:21). They asked prophecy: What is the sinner's punishment?...

Rosh Hashana 5771 – Gilayon #667

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana – Parshat Ha'azinu May we and all Your people, the House of Israel be remembered and inscribed before You for good life and peace In the Book of Blessing, Peace, and Good Livelihood. (From the High Holy Days Amida prayer)   Rabbi Shimon ben Halafta said: The Holy One, blessed be He, found no vessel that could preserve Blessings for Israel, save peace, for it is said: The Lord grant His people strength, the Lord bless...

Rosh Hashana 5770 – Gilayon #618

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana On New Year all mankind pass before him like children of Maron, for it is said: He Who forms their hearts together, Who understands all their deeds (Psalms 33). (Mishnah Rosh HaShanah 1:2)   On New Year all mankind pass before him like children of Maron What is the meaning of the expression, "like children of Maron"? – In Babylon it was translated, 'like a flock of sheep'. Resh Lakish said: As the ascent of...

Rosh Hashana 5767 – Gilayon #514

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary – parshat (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana RABBI ABAHU SAID: WHY DO WE SOUND A SHOFAR TAKEN FROM A RAM? THE HOLY ONE BLESSED BE HE SAID: SOUND BEFORE ME A SHOFAR TAKEN FROM A RAM IN ORDER THAT I REMEMBER THE BINDING OF ISAAC SON OF ABRAHAM FOR YOUR SAKES, AND CREDIT IT TO YOU AS IF YOU HAD BOUND YOURSELVES BEFORE ME. (Rosh HaShana 16a)   The shofar sounded on Rosh HaShana is straight and its...

Rosh Hashana 5766 – Gilayon #465

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary – parshat (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana BEHIND YOUR VEIL, YOU BROW LIKE AN OPEN POMEGRANATE. (Song of Songs 6:7)   Reish Lakish said: The sinners of Israel are untouched by Gehinnom's fire. kal va'homer referring to the Golden Altar. The Golden Altar was overlaid with gold no thicker than a dinar coin, but it withstood the fire for some years, but the sinners of Israel are filled...

Rosh Hashana 5765 – Gilayon #359

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary – parshat (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Parashat Rosh Hashana YOUR BROW BEHIND YOUR VEIL LIKE A POMEGRANATE SPLIT OPEN. (Shir Ha-Shirim 6:7)   Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish said: Do not say rakateikh , but rather reikateikh , for even the empty ones amongst you are full of commandments as a pomegranate . (Eruvin 19)   Are numerous merits a given, dependent on God's will or on ours? A person should make a custom of...

Rosh Hashana 5764 – Gilayon #309

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary – parshat (link to original page) Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week. Rosh Hashana At four periods the world is judged; on Pesach – for the grains, on Shavuot – for the fruits of the trees, on Rosh Hashanah all who came into the world pass before Him as sheep, as is written (Psalms 33) "He who fashions the hearts of them all, who discerns all their doings," and on Sukkoth they are judged for water. (Mishnah Rosh Hashanah 1:2)   Only the God of Thoughts Can Evaluate...

Rosh Hashana 5763 – Gilayon #254

Shabbat Shalom The weekly parsha commentary – parshat (link to original page) Rosh Hashana  Remember us for life,  O King who delightest in life;  Inscribe us in the book of life for thy sake,  O living God.   FATEFUL HOURS ARE NOT FIT FOR SONG, THEY ARE APPROPRIATE FOR INTROSPECTION   The Book of Life is the heavens, and there all future decrees are inscribed on the day of their creation. (Ibn Ezra, Psalms, 69:29)   "The court sat, and books were opened" (Daniel 7:10). He does not need a book, for He knows thoughts yet unthought, but this...